40 – 60 MSEK låneutrymme ger GHP den teoretiska möjligheten att specialistvård gör GHP till ett intressant investerings- Styrelseledamot, Bo Wahlström.
That single transaction was for kr1.9m worth of shares at a price of kr12.90 each. Re-election of the members of the Board Thomas Eklund, Carsten Browall, Bo Wahlström, Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, Mikael Olsson, Johan Wachtmeister and Christer Johansson, in accordance with the proposal of the election committee. Thomas Eklund was elected as Chairman of the Board. Communiqué from GHP’s Annual General Meeting 2019 Wed, Apr 24, 2019 18:30 CET. The Annual General Meeting of GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) held on 24 April 2019 adopted the following resolutions: • A dividend of SEK 0.30 per share will be paid for the financial year 2018.
In preparation for the GHP Annual General Meeting on April 24, the GHP Nomination Committee proposes the election of Dag Andersson as new Board Member. The committee also proposes re-election of all current Board Members; Carsten Browall (Chairman), Bo Wahlström, Elisabeth Hansson, Mikael Olsson and Johan Wachtmeister. Bo Magnus Wahlström Reason for notification. Closely associated No Person discharging managerial responsibilities Bo Magnus Wahlström GHP Specialty Care AB SE0002579912 Acquisition 26/10/2017 Mynewsdesk is the world's leading all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia PR platform. Over 5,000 brands as diverse as Coca Cola, Google, Volkswagen, Canon, and UNICEF use their Mynewsdesk Kontakta Bo Gunnar Wahlström, 61 år, Vetlanda. Adress: Boås 1, Postnummer: 574 93, Telefon: 070-603 90 .. Uppgifter om Bo Wahlström i Bo. Se telefonnummer, adress, hemsida, öppettider mm.
2012-09-14, Lundberg, Fredrik, Skanska, +330 GHP - Intervju med VD Daniel Öhman (Q4 2015). 288 views288 Christian Berner Tech Trade GHP Specialty Care AB, 556757-1103- På guldbolag.se hittar du kostnadsfri rating på alla Sveriges aktiebolag. GHP 2017 GHP har varit verksamt sedan hösten 2006 och aktien är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm BO WAHLSTRÖM (1949).
Kontakta Bo Krister Wahlström, Bredbyn. Adress: Nordsjö 149, Postnummer: 895 93, Telefon: 0661-700 ..
Menu. (ordförande), Bo Wahlström, Elisabeth Hansson, Mikael Olsson och Johan Bo Magnus Wahlström Reason for notification. Closely associated No Person discharging managerial responsibilities Bo Magnus Wahlström GHP Specialty Care AB SE0002579912 Acquisition 17/11/2017 Bo Wahlström finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Bo Wahlström och andra som du känner.
Mynewsdesk is the world's leading all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia PR platform. Over 5,000 brands as diverse as Coca Cola, Google, Volkswagen, Canon, and UNICEF use their Mynewsdesk
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Menu. (ordförande), Bo Wahlström, Elisabeth Hansson, Mikael Olsson och Johan
Bo Magnus Wahlström Reason for notification. Closely associated No Person discharging managerial responsibilities Bo Magnus Wahlström GHP Specialty Care AB SE0002579912 Acquisition 17/11/2017
Bo Wahlström finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Bo Wahlström och andra som du känner. Med Facebook kan du dela ditt liv med
Annedalskliniken ägde per den 31 mars 13,45 procent av GHP och var därmed bolagets näst största ägare efter Metroland, som huvudsakligen ägs av GHP-ledamoten Bo Wahlström. Annedalskliniken köpte sin GHP-post av Investor Growth Capital i maj 2013.
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Other assignments Chairman of the Board of Ryholm Förvaltning AB. Member of the Board of Stena Adactum AB. Main owner of Metroland BVBA. Major owner of GHP Specialty Care AB (publ). Aktieägarna i GHP Specialty Care AB kallas till årsstämma torsdag 29 april 2021. Bo Wahlström, Mikael Olsson, Johan Wachtmeister, Elisabeth Hansson och Dag Andersson, i enlighet med valberedningens förslag.
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Bo Wahlström är huvudägare i Metroland BVBA som inklusive Bo Wahlström senaste köp äger drygt 18,8 miljoner aktier i GHP, motsvarande 27,6 procent av aktier, enligt ägardatatjänsten Holdings sammanställning.
Styrelseledamot. Född 1949. Styrelseledamot sedan 3 maj 2012. Övriga uppdrag.
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40 – 60 MSEK låneutrymme ger GHP den teoretiska möjligheten att specialistvård gör GHP till ett intressant investerings- Styrelseledamot, Bo Wahlström.
Bo Magnus Wahlström holds the position of Chairman of Ryholm Förvaltnings AB and Chairman of Metroland BV. He is also on the board of Stena Adactum AB and GHP Specialty Care AB. He received a graduate Bo Magnus Wahlström, 70 Independent Director, GHP Specialty Care AB. Bo Magnus Wahlström holds the position of Chairman of Ryholm Förvaltnings AB and Chairman of Metroland BV. Re-election of the members of the Board Bo Wahlström, Thomas Eklund, Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, Mikael Olsson and Carsten Browall and election of the new members of the Board Johan Wachtmeister and Christer Johansson, in accordance with the proposal of the election committee. Thomas Eklund was elected as Chairman of the Board. In preparation for the GHP Annual General Meeting on April 24, the GHP Nomination Committee proposes the election of Dag Andersson as new Board Member. The committee also proposes re-election of all current Board Members; Carsten Browall (Chairman), Bo Wahlström, Elisabeth Hansson, Mikael Olsson and Johan Wachtmeister. in GHP Specialty Care AB, corporate identity number 556757-1103, according to the proposed resolutions in the notice Re-election of Bo Wahlström as member of the Bo Wahlström: Independent Director: 8.83yrs: kr200.00k: 0.21% SEK 3.8m: GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) provides healthcare services in the Nordic region and View our latest analysis for GHP Specialty Care . The Last 12 Months Of Insider Transactions At GHP Specialty Care . Independent Director Bo Wahlström made the biggest insider purchase in the last 12 months.